Current Trends in Breast Cancer Care

“Using technology has given me peace of mind. It keeps me on track without constantly worrying or having to remember.” – Sarah, breast cancer patient

During Breast Cancer Awareness Month, we’re reflecting on how patients like Sarah are using digital tools to stay connected, supported, and in control of their care, as we shift to home-based treatments. Read more about Sarah’s journey and how technology is making a difference in her daily care. Here is her Q&A, part of a series where we encourage real patients to share how they ‘Live Life Beyond Their Condition.’

One of the most complex aspects of breast cancer treatment involves managing various medications, often with intricate dosing schedules with days on followed by days off medication. For patients managing more than one medication or combining treatments such as oral therapy and chemotherapy, the task of keeping track of doses, timing, and side effects can feel overwhelming. While this shift to home-based treatment provides patients with the comfort of being in their own environment, it also adds a new layer of responsibility in managing treatment accurately and on time.

Keep Sarah's Story Breast Cancer